Protein intake during perimenopause...

The body's appetite for protein increases during perimenopause due to hormonally induced tissue protein breakdown. 

Some of the many important roles of protein in the body include:

  • Helps build hormones and enzymes
  • Helps support white blood cell production for a healthy immune system
  • Builds and repairs tissues
  • Supports bone, skin and hair health
  • Sustains muscle strength and prevents muscle wasting
  • May help decrease the risk for osteoporosis in combination with other key nutrients
  • Regulates blood sugar by slowing down digestion of carbohydrates and decreasing insulin spikes
  • Aids weight management by increasing satiety, meaning you are less hungry after a meal when eating adequate protein

Signs of possible inadequate protein intake: 

  • Constant hunger or not feeling satisfied after eating
  • Thinning hair or hair loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Fatigue/Low energy
  • Lowered immune system
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Fluid retention

Protein is an important macronutrient comprising of a variety of different amino acids, which are the building blocks of our bodies. Good-quality protein is often described as 'complete protein’ meaning that it contains all 9 of the essential amino acids our bodies need daily. Plant sources of protein still have some essential amino acids but are usually lacking at least one essential amino acid, meaning most plant protein powders are not considered a complete protein. A plant-based diet therefore needs careful planning to ensure adequate protein intake is met. 

VITA-SOL ORGANIC PLANT PROTEIN has been developed by nutritionist Fiona Tuck to ensure a complete protein profile by using a combination of plant proteins to include all 9 essential amino acids in conjunction with digestive enzymes to aid digestion and absorption of the protein and prebiotics and fibre for additional gut health support.